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Watch Class Movie

teacher Prep

Lab sheet & activites

Class Movie

Watch Class Movie

Class Movie

Teacher Prep Movie

Lab Materials Needed

Blockey Koa Crate

from Kea STEMCrate

- 1 Springy Spring Scale per student

Student Lab Sheet

Atom Modeling

"I wish we could do this every day"


   Student - 5th grade.

In this lab students create human models of atoms. They get to wear special hats that transform them into atomic particles that make up atoms.

Make a human size model of an atom

Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 1.32.47 PM.png

Watch Class Movie

teacher Prep

Class Movie

Screen Shot 2019-10-10 at 10.54.19

Teacher Prep Movie

Lab sheet & activites

Paper Atom mini model Kit 

Hats PDF color + B&W     

(***Atom Hats are already in the Atom Modeling Koa***)

In class Movie

Class Movie

Teacher prep

Teacher prep Movie

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