Meet the Micro:bits
Coding is easy and fun when students meet the micro:bits. Learn to write and download code, so you are ready to create your own scientific tools!
Meet the Micro:bits
Coding is easy and fun when students meet the micro:bits. Learn to write and download code, so you are ready to create your own scientific tools!
Student Edition
Student Edition
Student Edition
California Wildfires
You are now a wildlife biologist! Watch your baby eaglets grow and develop with these live cams!
Eagle Nest Observation

Decorah, Iowa
The Raptor Resource Project installed livestream cameras for scientific research and you get to watch as these eagles raise their young! The Decorah Eagles have been a couple since 2007 and they have returned to Decorah every year to raise their chicks. A chick named "D1" was fitted with a GPS tracker and researchers discovered that their child flies to Polar Bear Provincial Park in the Arctic Latitudes of Ontario, Canada, during the warm season every year.
Fraser Point, California
EXPLORE.org takes you to the channel islands where a special eagle nest overlooks the stunning landscapes of Santa Cruz in the Channel Islands National Park. Watch live and learn more about these eagles and their habitat on Explore.org

Class Movie
Eagle Observation session 1
Morning Routine - Fluffing the Nest

Wildlife Observation Notes
Location: Decorah, Iowa
Species: Bald Eagle
Date: Feb 16
Time: 5:30 am
Temperature: 31 Degrees F
Wind Speed: 2 mph
Weather: Clear Skies

Protecting the Egg at night
Eagle Observation session 4

Wildlife Observation Notes
Location: Sauces Canyon, Channel Islands National Park
Species: Bald Eagle
Date: Feb 16
Time: 11:50 pm
Temperature: 55 Degrees F
Wind Speed: 7 mph
Weather: Calm