Meet the Micro:bits
Coding is easy and fun when students meet the micro:bits. Learn to write and download code, so you are ready to create your own scientific tools!
Meet the Micro:bits
Coding is easy and fun when students meet the micro:bits. Learn to write and download code, so you are ready to create your own scientific tools!
Student Edition
Student Edition
Student Edition
California Wildfires

Animal Parenting
Life Science MS-LS1-4:
Use argument based on empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.
What Works and Who Does it Best?

Elaine M. Brice
Ecology PhD, Utah State University
Teacher Edition
It's Party Time!!!
Ball games
Oreo eclipse
Safe Solar Viewing (Grades 3-6 Only)

Each of your students will love tracking the progress of the solar eclipse with an Oreo Cookie! Just twist it apart and use it to model current progress of the eclipse as it occurs. Making the cookie connection will help students understand how the sun and moon interact to make the crescent shapes that their pin hole projectors show. Eat it after the eclipse :)