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teacher Prep

Lab sheet & activites

Class Movie

Watch Class Movie

Class Movie

Teacher Prep Movie


Lab Materials Needed

Blockey Koa Crate


from Kea STEMCrate

- 1 Springy Spring Scale per student

Student Lab Sheet

Solar System Walk

 "Look how small the sun is getting."


     Student - 5th grade.

Time to go out into space and walk

out a to scale model of the solar system. After your done or on another day you can play sun ball games. Enjoy creating a moment they will never forget.

Make a scale model

Astronomy- The relative brightness of stars is because of their distance from us (Earth’s Place in the Universe 5-ESS1-1). Support an argument that differences in the apparent brightness of the sun compared to other stars is due to their relative distances from Earth.

Watch Class Movie

teacher Prep

Class Movie

Teacher Prep Movie


Planet Station Read Aloud


Teacher Link:

Solar System Walk 

Lab sheet & activites

No Lab Sheet



In class Movie

Class Movie

Class Movie

teacher prep

Teacher Movie

Teacher Movie

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